Have you ever wondered, like me, as you put out the garbage and see all the plastic, glass and metal containers that you CAN't put into council recycle bins why they aren't being recycled! 

Recycling, repurposing and reusing as much of the plastic and metal containers and products we use is a really important strategy in not only reducing pollution BUT in reducing the amount of energy we use - and thus reducing our reliance on fossil fuels!

Would you believe that until now, less than 5% of the plastic that we have produced has been recycled?! You would, if like me, you have walked beside or canoed any of our rivers, lakes and waterways and seen the layers of plastic accumulated along the banks - or read the reports of the zoologists and marine biologists telling us of all the birds, mammals and marine animals that have died, most in great distress from eating the plastic we carelessly throw away.

Recycling as much of the plastic and metal we buy is also an important action for reducing the fossil-fuels that we use. Much of our plastic still comes from fossil-fuelled petrol-chemical industry. Turning bauxite into aluminium and iron ore into steel requires massive amounts of energy- that is still produced using fossil fuels. 

Recycling, repurposing and reusing plastic and metal products means a huge reduction in the fossil fuel energy required to mine fossil fuels AND THEN convert bauxite and iron ore into ADDITIONAL aluminium and steel AND THEN turn that into the products we use and consume.

Well! There is now a great Sydney-based company that will COLLECT and ARRANGE the recycling of a lot of the containers and products that you and I NOW throw away as non- recyclable waste!

The company is called BANISH - Banish Recycled and Disposal Program [BRAD].

It was begun by one young woman in 2020 - who was asking the same question as me! It now has thousands and thousands of Australian 'recyclers' with depots in every capital city in Australia.

It is currently run by volunteers - but would love to be able to attract some government, corporate or business funding or sponsorship!

YOU can find all you need to know to become a recycler and see and hear how they work with the companies who recycle and reuse by just Googling 'BANISH' - but here are a few facts to encourage you to do that!

* What can I recycle with BANISH?

            * Toothpaste tubes, floss containers & plastic toothbrushes.               * Spray or pumps from cleaning products

            * Electric toothbrush heads                                                                  * Coffee pods

            * Medical ointment tubes                                                                     * Plastic bottle top lids

            * Hair gel tubes and caps                                                                    * Single-use coffee cups & lids [1million+/day in waste!]

           * Hair paste plastic jars & caps                                                            * Party/dining disposable knives, forks,spoons

           * Lip balm, lip gloss & mascara tubes                                                  * Prescription drug packaging & blister packs

           * Face soap dispensers and tubes                                                       * Plastic bread and bread-products tags

           * Lotion bottles, tubes, dispensers and jars                                         * Writing pens, highlighters and biros

           * Shaving foam tubes [NO CANS]                                                       * Correction fluid pots and tape containers

           * Plastic razors and blades                                                                  * Eyeliner pencils and cases

           * Eye shadow tubes                                                                             * Concealer tubes and sticks 


*'How can I become a recycler with BANISH?' - simple answer! Very easily!

  * Put all of the items from the list above that you want to recycle into an old shoe box.

  * When it's full, go online to BANISH and buy a BRAD collection for $15.00 - this pays for both postage or collection and             recycling.

  * Order online a recycling pick up - either one from where you live OR a free post to BANISH through the mail.

 * You can track your shoe box all the way to see it's delivered to BANISH. 

 *'How does BRAD recycling work?' - You can hear and see this online.

 * The waste received is sorted into different streams by volunteers - if you have spare time, they need more- as the business expands!

* The sorted waste is then recycled in Australia through a partnership with Terracycle through programs:

           *Colgate Oral Care Recycling     * Garnier Green Beauty.  *Gillette Razor Recycling.   * L'OR,Moccona & Illy Recycling

           * Nescafe Dolce Gusto Capsule Recycling  * Writing Instruments Recycling   * Kitchen Separation Zero Waste Box.

* All it takes to become a regular recycler is some time to learn what BANISH will accept AND some discipline in collecting and sending off to BANISH - but if we are committed to taking action to save our planet - that seems like a small price!