This is the Rewiring Australia deck. It shows how electrification combinations can save a household money. Included are capital costs and interest charges. 

  • Combine solar, heat pump hot water and an electric car. Most of the cheap energy from solar is consumed on site resulting in the greatest savings. $4,100 saved per year
  • Heat pump + solar is likely to save more than$400/year
  • Electric cars are likley to save more than $1500/year

Do you want to save on the cost of your energy bills - by up to 70%??  

Make your home as electrically efficient as possible ?  

Be warm in winter and cool in Summer?

How to get the best bang for the bucks you spend?

If you would like answers to any of these questions - THEN THIS IS THE EVENT YOU NEED TO ATTEND! - and it's  FREE!

TITLE:   'Practical Solutions to Reduce YOUR Energy Bills and Carbon Footprint!'

WHEN:   Thursday 6th March, 2025      6.30 - 8.00 pm

WHEN:  THURSDAY  6th MARCH,20125!           5.30- 8.00 PM



               Tim is well knoiwn for all of his amazing work related to the best and cheapest ways to completely electrify your home and save up to 75% on you elecricity energy costs!  Also has a great Facebook page with lots of helpful tips and answers to questions.   


  • CONTEXT:  One of the most central planned actions by those in Australia proposing a move to nuclear energy is the cutting of '36,000 public servant positions in Canberra'. ( David Littleproud, Triple M interview, August 2024) !
  • PROBLEM:  'A huge new bureaucracy, numbering thousands of EXTRA public servant positions would need to be created to establish and support a nuclear power industry'!!

  • Finally, last week, the supposed costings for a move to develop nuclear energy in Australia were released.
  • The costings derive from a report by Danny Price, Managing Director of 'Frontier Economics'.
  • Apart from the fact that there are no 'small-scale nuclear reactors operational anywhere in the world, there are a number of other very serious issues that need to be considered about the modelling on which the Report is based., These include the assumptions behind the modelling and the interpretations of the results by both Price and spokespersons from the Coalition politi
  • Australia is expected to sign an international agreement between a group of western countries to end public money subsidies for international oil, gas and coal projects:   A major and significant step to phasing out o0f fossil fuels! 
  • The signing is part of the United Nations international agreements on climate change action!
  • The way forward for Australia in this Clean Energy Transition Partnership Agreement was created
  • This month marks the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of the technology that changed the production of solar panels!
  • It is the scientific breakthrough that is now the basis of over 90% of all the world's silicon solar panels.
  • In 1974, Martin Green was a PhD candidate in the Department of Engineering at the University of NSW when he began his interest in solar energy.
  • While there were solar panels already available their efficiency in terms of energy produced (watts) was extremely low. He set out to remedy this.
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